What are the benefits of using a audio tour guide when there are many people?

 News     |     July 25, 2023
        When we encounter a team reception, it is recommended to use the one-to-many audio tour guide equipment of the interpreter for group reception, because the one-to-many audio tour guide, as the name implies, can receive multiple people by one person, so it is very suitable for team reception scenarios. Moreover, the one-to-many audio tour guide will not allow the team to interact with each other during use. Another point is that the one-to-many audio tour guide device is composed of a transmitter and a receiver. By using the transmitter to speak, use the receiver to listen, and explain the audio transmission through a special audio transmission channel channel, which will not cause noise disturbance to the surroundings. For the receiver, it will also be heard more clearly and clearly. Reception of scenic spots or museums, or the reception of customers in enterprises and factories, all of which can use the convenient one-to-many audio tour guide equipment.
audio tour guide
audio tour guide
        Why is everyone starting to use audio tour guide devices now? Because people nowadays are gradually beginning to like to travel, and choose to travel in their free time. Before the introduction of one-to-many equipment, tour guides used loudspeakers or small bees when receiving group tourists. Now, green travel and green tourism are advocated, so most scenic spots prohibit the use of these equipment, so the one-to-many audio tour guide has become the unanimous choice of explaining equipment for everyone. The explainer equipment can support multiple teams to use it at the same time, without signal interference between each other, and it can also make the lecturer's explanation easy and simple, and there is no need to adjust and increase the volume of his speech in real time. In addition, in terms of listening, it will be clearer and clearer than traditional amplifying equipment. With the signal receiving range, tourists can also have space for free activities.
audio tour guide