The convenience experienced by using the smart tour guide machine.

 News     |     July 20, 2023
        If we don't want to follow the tour guide when we visit the scenic spot, then we need to choose a device such as a smart tour guide machine, which can not only provide automatic voice explanations, but also lead tourists to visit the scenic spot. The smart tour guide machine can tell the cultural stories in the scenic spot to tourists through audio, so that tourists can understand the culture in the scenic spot while visiting, and they are also familiar with these cultures without a tour guide. The smart tour guide machine has a signal transmitter and a receiving tour guide machine, which divides the scenic spots into different areas, and then installs the transmitter, so that when the tourist wearing the tour guide machine walks to the scenic spot, it will sense and trigger the cultural narration of the scenic spot. This method of smart tour guide machine can make the work of tour guides easier, because tour guides will always be more tired when leading groups in peak seasons, and the long-term explanation will also cause a lot of damage to the voice and vocal cords.
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        During the peak tourist season, it is often difficult to receive because of the lack of personnel or insufficient personnel. At this time, if you use a smart tour guide machine, you don't need to have these worries. The smart tour guide machine can not only help scenic spots to receive tourists, but also provide tourists with consistent audio explanations, so that tourists can explain where they go, regardless of the order of arrival, tourists can hear from the beginning to the end, and these are more difficult to achieve with artificial tour guides. There is also the multilingual function, because the smart tour guide has the function of multilingual explanation, it is also very casual to receive foreign tourists. Even tourists with small languages can familiarize themselves with the explanation of scenic spots after switching languages. The use of smart tour guide machines improves the reception efficiency of scenic spots, and also allows tourists to experience different audio explanations, which enhances tourists' favorability for scenic spots, and also increases tourists' travel experience and fun.
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