QR code tour guide allows visitors to quickly understand the corresponding conten

 News     |     October 21, 2024
      The method of obtaining explanation information by scanning is called QR code tour guide, which is widely used in various indoor and outdoor scenes. QR code tour guide allows visitors to quickly understand the content, including but not limited to text, pictures, videos, etc. QR code tour guide is to generate the content you want to explain and display through online tools, and then print or carve the QR code and place it in the corresponding position in the scenic area or exhibition hall. Visitors who play or visit can identify it through the scanning function of their mobile phones to obtain the explanation content in the QR code. Compared with manual explanation, QR code tour guide is more direct and quick, and it can save expenses and improve efficiency.
tour guide
       In terms of experience, using QR code tour guide no longer requires real-time follow-up tour guides, nor does it require a quick visit to the scenic spot. Visitors can choose any tour route and tour method according to their own time and preferences, and don't worry about no introduction, because they can get the content at any time through QR code tour guide. In terms of efficiency, QR code tour guide allows multiple people to scan a QR code at the same time to get the explanation, avoiding queuing and improving efficiency. In terms of convenience, if you need to change the content, you can change it directly in the software background without changing the QR code. From these aspects, it can be seen that the QR code tour guide not only provides visitors with a convenient way to visit, but also greatly enriches the way of information transmission and improves the tour experience.
tour guide