what is electronic tour guide

 News     |     November 18, 2019
With the improvement of people's material living standards, the grade of cultural life has become an important criterion for people to judge the quality of life. When you come to the scenic spot, Chinese and foreign tourists are not satisfied with simply looking at the scenic spots and exotic treasures, and want to know more stories about them. Only by truly understanding the origins of things can we understand the connotation more deeply. This requires the park scenic area to provide visitors with standardized and detailed multilingual explanations. The electronic tour guide is undoubtedly a best choice.
electronic tour guide
electronic tour guide
Team electronic tour guide: The lecturer holds the explanation device and transmits the lossless sound quality such as vocal or audio to the audience. While providing high-quality navigation services, it also overcomes the noise pollution and mixing caused by the use of loudspeakers. Also visit a clear, quiet and comfortable environment.
electronic tour guide
Self-service electronic tour guide, it is a kind of explanation device that can store multiple languages! The main application is in the Wenbo system and tourist attractions. With such a kind of equipment, visitors can visit it on their own and learn more about their favorite scenes and things!